Art Horse
A silly and serious podcast about creativity and stepping out of your comfort zone.
Podcasting since 2020 • 156 episodes
Art Horse
Latest Episodes
146. Pinecone coffins, inimitable marks, and the Good Paint
A walking episode:Man was I ever burnt out just nowRefilling the creative well with classes and booksA childhood home remembered, a map madeLetting kids use the Good PaintTaking another crack at t...
Episode 146

145. Don't get hung up in the lights
A walking episode: January in review!! In which we did 5 events in 10 days (wtf?), including Life Drawing and Still Life painting.In this episodeApparently nobody comes to anything in January, even if they did in December
Episode 145

144. How far we've come: sweaters no instructions and jamming no feelings
A walking episode with *GASP* a microphone! Thanks Greg! Lots of old stuff comes back around in this episode.Getting a baby-size sweater pattern by scaling down and hitting "Print""Color Notes" and painting colours not thin...
Episode 144

143. Art Class (is working) and the nude improv quilt (is not working)
A walking in the yard episode, just a little update where I talk about Art Class and Dancing in the Dark and feel hopeful. Also: quilting colour woes, a mama sew-in, and other blue-sky ideas.I mention Modern Improv Quilting by L...
Episode 143

142. Kristen Egan: puffins, war pipes, and a pricing pickle
Kristen Egan is a mixed media artist – primarily gourds, wood, and paper clay – based somewhere in the woods of Pennsylvania. Her folkloric and characterful masks drip with personality and take illustration 3 dimensional. See her work
Episode 142